Blackfish (2013) is a compelling documentary directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite that investigates the ethical issues surrounding the captivity of orcas. The film focuses on Tilikum, a captive orca involved in several incidents of trainer deaths. Through interviews, footage, and expert testimony, Blackfish reveals the physical and psychological toll of captivity on orcas and the impact on trainers. The documentary critiques the practices of marine parks, highlighting the stark contrast between the public's perception of orcas as playful and their reality in captivity. Blackfish has sparked widespread debate about animal rights and the ethics of keeping such intelligent creatures in confinement, leading to changes in public attitudes and policies regarding marine parks.
Blackfish (2013) is a compelling documentary directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite that investigates the ethical issues surrounding the captivity of orcas. The film focuses on Tilikum, a captive orca involved in several incidents of trainer deaths. Through interviews, footage, and expert...

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