Hundreds of Beavers (2023) is a quirky and darkly comedic film directed by Jordan Rubin. The movie, set in the 1800s, blends elements of horror, satire, and Western genres. It follows a group of settlers who must defend themselves against an overwhelming and increasingly absurd threat: a seemingly endless horde of beavers. What begins as a comical adventure quickly escalates into a survival tale full of unexpected twists. The film is noted for its absurd premise and low-budget charm, using exaggerated humor and over-the-top performances to satirize survivalist tropes and horror conventions. It also features a unique visual style, with its use of practical effects and a retro aesthetic that calls back to older, more exaggerated forms of genre filmmaking. Hundreds of Beavers is a fun and irreverent take on the survival genre, mixing slapstick humor with surprisingly intense moments. Critics have praised its sense of humor, although its offbeat tone might not appeal to everyone. The film’s unusual storyline and bold visual decisions make it a unique entry in the world of indie horror-comedies. It’s ideal for viewers who enjoy films with a mix of horror and absurdity, often reminiscent of cult classics.
Hundreds of Beavers (2023) is a quirky and darkly comedic film directed by Jordan Rubin. The movie, set in the 1800s, blends elements of horror, satire, and Western genres. It follows a group of settlers who must defend themselves...

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