Les Misérables is a 2012 film adaptation of the beloved musical, directed by Tom Hooper and based on Victor Hugo's classic novel. The movie follows the intertwined lives of several characters in 19th-century France, centering on Jean Valjean, a former convict seeking redemption, and Inspector Javert, who relentlessly pursues him. The film is known for its powerful performances, epic scale, and memorable musical numbers, capturing the emotional depth and historical context of Hugo's story. With a stellar cast and grandiose production, Les Misérables delivers a poignant and dramatic cinematic experience.
Les Misérables is a 2012 film adaptation of the beloved musical, directed by Tom Hooper and based on Victor Hugo’s classic novel. The movie follows the intertwined lives of several characters in 19th-century France, centering on Jean Valjean, a...

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