Oldboy is a 2003 South Korean neo-noir action thriller directed by Park Chan-wook. The film is renowned for its intricate plot and intense storytelling. It follows Oh Dae-su, portrayed by Choi Min-sik, who is mysteriously imprisoned in a cell for 15 years without explanation. Upon his sudden release, he embarks on a quest for vengeance and seeks to uncover the reasons behind his captivity. The movie is notable for its dark, psychological depth and the exploration of themes such as revenge, identity, and the human condition. It features a compelling narrative with unexpected twists, including a famous and intense single-take hallway fight scene. Oldboy is celebrated for its originality, complex characters, and emotional impact, earning it a place as a classic in international cinema.
Oldboy is a 2003 South Korean neo-noir action thriller directed by Park Chan-wook. The film is renowned for its intricate plot and intense storytelling. It follows Oh Dae-su, portrayed by Choi Min-sik, who is mysteriously imprisoned in a cell for...

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