Tanu Weds Manu is a 2011 Bollywood romantic comedy directed by Anand L. Rai. The film follows the story of Manu (Madhavan), a traditional NRI from London, who travels to India to find a bride. He meets Tanu (Kangna Ranaut), a spirited and unconventional woman who is far from what Manu had envisioned for his future. As their worlds collide, the film explores themes of love, societal expectations, and personal freedom with humor and charm. Known for its engaging performances, witty dialogues, and memorable soundtrack, Tanu Weds Manu offers a delightful blend of romance and comedy, reflecting the complexities of modern relationships.
Tanu Weds Manu is a 2011 Bollywood romantic comedy directed by Anand L. Rai. The film follows the story of Manu (Madhavan), a traditional NRI from London, who travels to India to find a bride. He meets Tanu (Kangna...

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