Ugly (2014) is a gritty and intense Indian thriller film directed by Anurag Kashyap. The story revolves around the kidnapping of a young girl, Kali, and the subsequent search for her by her father, Rahul, a struggling actor, and her stepfather, Shoumik, a high-ranking police officer. As the investigation unfolds, it exposes the dark underbelly of human nature, filled with greed, corruption, and self-interest. The film explores themes of fractured relationships, broken families, and moral decay, as each character's selfish motivations come to light. Ugly is known for its raw, realistic portrayal of the characters’ desperation and flaws, with a bleak tone and uncompromising storytelling. Anurag Kashyap's direction brings an intense, unsettling atmosphere to the film, making it a hard-hitting exploration of human flaws. The performances, especially by Ronit Roy and Rahul Bhat, were highly praised. Ugly is not just a crime thriller but a dark reflection of society, leaving a lasting impact on its viewers.
Ugly (2014) is a gritty and intense Indian thriller film directed by Anurag Kashyap. The story revolves around the kidnapping of a young girl, Kali, and the subsequent search for her by her father, Rahul, a struggling actor, and...

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