Even though IPTV Smarters Pro is listed on Google Play Store and Apple App Store for Android and iOS mobiles respectively, Amazon Store does not host it. Therefore, if you want it on your FireStick, you will need to sideload it. We will download IPTV Smarters APK using the Downloader app.

1. We will first install the Downloader app

This app will help you sideload IPTV Smarter on FireStick (because browser downloads are not allowed)

You may also read our detailed guide on how to sideload apps on FireStick with Downloader

2. Click the Find > Search option on the home screen of FireStick

3. Type the name of the app (which is Downloader)
Click the Downloader option when it is displayed in the search results
Choose the Downloader icon on the following screen and download and install the app

4. Get back to the home screen of FireStick after installing the Downloader app

In the menu bar, click Settings

5. In the Settings, choose the option My Fire TV

6. When the following set of options are displayed on the next screen, click Developer Options

7. Click Install from unknown apps

8. Click Downloader to change the status to ON

With this, you have configured the FireStick settings to allow the installation of IPTV Smarters and other third-party apps. Follow the steps below:

9. You may now open the Downloader app
When you run this app for the first time, a set of prompts will appear. Dismiss them until you see the following screen

On this screen, you need to click the URL textbox on the right side (make sure Home option in the left menu is selected) where it says ‘http://’

10. Go ahead and enter the following path on this window: https://www.firesticktricks.com/smarter

Note: You may also use the shortened version of the URL firesticktricks.com/smarter

Click GO

11. Give it a minute or two until the IPTV Smarter is downloaded onto your FireStick device

12. When the download has completed, the Downloader app will run the APK file and the installation will start

Click Install

13. Wait for the installation to finish

14. Installation is concluded with the App installed notification

You may now choose to click OPEN and get started with IPTV Smarters

I recommend choosing DONE so that you may first delete the APK file and save some space on the FireStick storage

15. If you clicked DONE above, you will be back on the Downloader interface

Click Delete

16. Again, click Delete

Great! You now have the IPTV Smarters app on FireStick.

How to use IPTV Smarters on FireStick

When you run the IPTV Smarters app for the first time, Terms of Use will be the first window. Scroll down and click Accept

This is the window that you land on next. You need to get started by clicking either ADD USER in the top-right corner or ADD NEW USER in the middle of the screen

Login with Xtream Codes API

When you click Login with Xtream Codes API here is the window where you can enter your details:

How to access IPTV Smarters on FireStick

This section is for the users who want to know how to access IPTV Smarters or other installed apps on FireStick.

On the home screen of FireStick, you will find the Your Apps & Channels section in the second row from where you can access up to 20 installed apps. If you have more than 20 apps, here are some ways to access all of them:

Go to Settings >> Applications >> Manage Installed Applications >> IPTV Smarters (or any other installed app) >> Launch application
 On your FireStick remote, press and hold the Home key for at least 5 seconds. On the popup window, click Apps
 On the FireStick home screen, click the 3-Dot button in the middle on the right

When this list of apps is displayed, scroll down and click IPTV Smarters

If you think you will access IPTV Smarters frequently, move it to the home screen. Press the Menu button on the remote (3-line button). Click Move on the screen in the popup menu on the bottom-right

Smarters on FireStick

Follow this easy guide to set up NorantinaTV on your FireStick using IPTV Smarters Pro.

FireStick IPTV Install

Quickly install IPTV Smarters Pro on your FireStick for seamless NorantinaTV streaming.

NorantinaTV on FireStick

Get NorantinaTV running smoothly on FireStick with our simple IPTV Smarters Pro installation guide."

Setup IPTV Smarters

Step-by-step instructions to configure IPTV Smarters Pro and watch NorantinaTV on FireStick.

FireStick IPTV Setup

Learn how to install IPTV Smarters Pro on FireStick to access NorantinaTV effortlessly.

Install IPTV Smarters

Easily set up NorantinaTV on your FireStick with IPTV Smarters Pro using this straightforward guide.

NorantinaTV Installation

A quick guide to installing IPTV Smarters Pro on FireStick for uninterrupted NorantinaTV viewing.

FireStick IPTV Guide

Get NorantinaTV on FireStick with IPTV Smarters Pro using these simple installation steps."