Anatomy of a Fall is a compelling French psychological thriller directed by Justine Triet. The film revolves around the mysterious death of Samuel, a man found dead at the bottom of a staircase in his home. His wife, Sandra, a successful writer, is accused of his murder. The film unfolds in the courtroom as Sandra faces trial, with the central question being whether her husband's death was an accident or a deliberate act. The narrative delves deeply into the complexities of relationships, trust, and guilt. Sandra's past with her husband is explored through flashbacks, revealing the emotional and psychological layers of their marriage. Their young son, who witnessed the event, plays a crucial role in the case, as his testimony holds the key to understanding what truly happened. Anatomy of a Fall is both a tense courtroom drama and an intimate examination of human emotion. It masterfully explores themes of doubt, betrayal, and the search for truth, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Sandra Hüller delivers a powerful performance, and the film challenges the notion of innocence, making it a thought-provoking and gripping watch.
Anatomy of a Fall is a compelling French psychological thriller directed by Justine Triet. The film revolves around the mysterious death of Samuel, a man found dead at the bottom of a staircase in his home. His wife, Sandra,...

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