I Got A Monster is a gripping documentary that explores corruption within the police force, focusing on the scandal surrounding the Baltimore Police Department's Gun Trace Task Force. The film delves into the shocking story of officers who were involved in criminal activities, including robbery, drug dealing, and racketeering, while using their positions of authority to evade justice. Through detailed interviews, courtroom footage, and investigative reporting, I Got A Monster paints a harrowing picture of abuse of power, betrayal, and systemic issues within law enforcement. The documentary sheds light on how these corrupt officers manipulated the justice system, exploited their badge for personal gain, and ultimately betrayed the trust of the community they were sworn to protect. I Got A Monster not only reveals the personal and professional fallout from the scandal but also raises broader questions about accountability and reform within policing in America. It's a stark, eye-opening film that challenges viewers to confront uncomfortable truths about corruption in institutions meant to uphold justice.
I Got A Monster is a gripping documentary that explores corruption within the police force, focusing on the scandal surrounding the Baltimore Police Department’s Gun Trace Task Force. The film delves into the shocking story of officers who were...

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