Jab We Met (2007), directed by Imtiaz Ali, is a popular Bollywood romantic comedy-drama starring Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor. The film follows the story of Geet (Kareena Kapoor), a spirited young woman who meets Aditya (Shahid Kapoor), a disheartened businessman, on a train journey. What begins as a chance encounter turns into a transformative journey for both characters. Geet's infectious enthusiasm and optimistic outlook on life help Aditya rediscover his own zest for living. The film is celebrated for its engaging storyline, memorable dialogues, and the chemistry between the lead actors. Jab We Met blends romance with humor and emotional depth, making it a beloved film in Bollywood. Its music, composed by Pritam, also became a significant hit, contributing to the film's lasting popularity.
Jab We Met (2007), directed by Imtiaz Ali, is a popular Bollywood romantic comedy-drama starring Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor. The film follows the story of Geet (Kareena Kapoor), a spirited young woman who meets Aditya (Shahid Kapoor), a...

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