Jiro Dreams of Sushi is a 2011 documentary directed by David Gelb that delves into the life and work of Jiro Ono, an esteemed sushi chef in Tokyo. The film provides an intimate look at Jiro’s meticulous approach to sushi-making and the dedication that has earned his restaurant, Sukiyabashi Jiro, three Michelin stars. Plot Overview: The documentary follows Jiro Ono, who, despite his advanced age, continues to uphold an extraordinary standard of sushi craftsmanship. The film explores his daily routine, the rigorous techniques he employs, and his relentless pursuit of perfection. It also highlights the dynamics within his family, particularly the roles of his two sons—one who works alongside him at Sukiyabashi Jiro, and the other who runs a branch of the restaurant.
Jiro Dreams of Sushi is a 2011 documentary directed by David Gelb that delves into the life and work of Jiro Ono, an esteemed sushi chef in Tokyo. The film provides an intimate look at Jiro’s meticulous approach to sushi-making...

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