Kahaani (2012) is an Indian thriller film directed by Sujoy Ghosh and starring Vidya Balan. The film follows Vidya Bagchi, a pregnant woman who travels to Kolkata in search of her missing husband. As she delves deeper into the mystery, she uncovers a web of deception and intrigue that challenges her understanding of the truth. The film is known for its gripping narrative, strong performances, particularly by Vidya Balan, and its clever plot twists. Kahaani effectively uses the city of Kolkata as a backdrop, adding to the film's atmospheric tension. The screenplay combines elements of suspense and drama, leading to a dramatic and unexpected climax. Kahaani received critical acclaim for its tight storytelling and Balan's portrayal of a determined and vulnerable protagonist. It is celebrated for its originality and its ability to keep the audience on edge with its compelling and unexpected twists.
Kahaani (2012) is an Indian thriller film directed by Sujoy Ghosh and starring Vidya Balan. The film follows Vidya Bagchi, a pregnant woman who travels to Kolkata in search of her missing husband. As she delves deeper into the...

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