Lupin is a popular French crime drama series that premiered on Netflix in 2021. Created by George Kay and François Uzan, it stars Omar Sy as Assane Diop, a gentleman thief and master of disguise inspired by the adventures of Arsène Lupin, a fictional character created by Maurice Leblanc. The show follows Assane Diop, who seeks to avenge his father, a chauffeur wrongfully accused of a crime he did not commit. Using his wit, charm, and skills in sleight of hand, Assane emulates the legendary Lupin to outsmart and expose those who wronged his family. The series combines elements of classic heist thrillers with a contemporary twist, exploring themes of justice, revenge, and social inequality. Lupin is praised for its engaging plot, clever twists, and Sy’s charismatic performance. The show has been well-received for its stylish direction, intricate storytelling, and dynamic action sequences. Its success has made it a standout in the genre and a significant hit internationally.
Lupin is a popular French crime drama series that premiered on Netflix in 2021. Created by George Kay and François Uzan, it stars Omar Sy as Assane Diop, a gentleman thief and master of disguise inspired by the adventures of...

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