Murder is a 2004 Indian thriller film directed by Anurag Basu, starring Emraan Hashmi, Mallika Sherawat, and Ashmit Patel. The film is a Hindi-language remake of the 2002 American film Unfaithful, which itself was inspired by the French film La Femme infidèle. The plot revolves around the character of a wealthy businessman, who discovers that his wife is having an affair. The film delves into themes of infidelity, jealousy, and murder as the situation spirals out of control. Emraan Hashmi plays the role of a troubled lover who becomes entangled in a series of dramatic and dark events following his affair with Mallika Sherawat's character. Murder is known for its suspenseful narrative, intense drama, and bold performances. The film explores the psychological impact of betrayal and the consequences of an illicit affair, making it a gripping watch. Its blend of romance, drama, and thriller elements, along with a memorable soundtrack, contributed to its popularity and critical acclaim in Indian cinema.
Murder is a 2004 Indian thriller film directed by Anurag Basu, starring Emraan Hashmi, Mallika Sherawat, and Ashmit Patel. The film is a Hindi-language remake of the 2002 American film Unfaithful, which itself was inspired by the French film...

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