Peaky Blinders is a British historical crime drama created by Steven Knight. Set in post-World War I Birmingham, England, the series follows the Shelby crime family, led by the ambitious and cunning Tommy Shelby, played by Cillian Murphy. The family’s name comes from their habit of sewing razor blades into the peaks of their flat caps. The show is known for its stylish cinematography, period-accurate details, and a contemporary soundtrack that contrasts with its historical setting. It explores themes of power, loyalty, and the impact of trauma, as Tommy Shelby navigates the treacherous world of organized crime, politics, and social upheaval. Peaky Blinders has been praised for its gripping narrative, complex characters, and strong performances, particularly by Murphy. The series delves into the intricacies of family dynamics and the consequences of ambition, offering a blend of historical drama and stylish gangster intrigue. Its compelling storytelling and distinctive aesthetic have earned it a dedicated fanbase and critical acclaim.
Peaky Blinders is a British historical crime drama created by Steven Knight. Set in post-World War I Birmingham, England, the series follows the Shelby crime family, led by the ambitious and cunning Tommy Shelby, played by Cillian Murphy. The...

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