See Season 1 is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi drama that premiered on Apple TV+ in November 2019. The series, created by Steven Knight, is set in a distant future where humanity has lost the sense of sight and lives in a world where vision is considered a myth. The show stars Jason Momoa as Baba Voss, a fierce warrior and leader of a tribe, who must protect his family when two newborns are discovered with the ability to see. The discovery of these children threatens the established order and draws the attention of various factions, including a powerful queen played by Sylvia Hoeks. See is praised for its unique premise, expansive world-building, and action-packed scenes. The series combines elements of survival drama and epic fantasy, exploring themes of power, survival, and the human spirit in a visually stunning setting. The performances, especially by Momoa, and the elaborate production design contribute to its immersive experience.
See Season 1 is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi drama that premiered on Apple TV+ in November 2019. The series, created by Steven Knight, is set in a distant future where humanity has lost the sense of sight and lives in...

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