The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan, is the second film in Nolan's Batman trilogy and is widely acclaimed for its compelling portrayal of the iconic superhero and his nemesis. Released in 2008, it stars Christian Bale as Batman, Heath Ledger as the Joker, and Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent. The film explores themes of chaos and order, with Ledger’s portrayal of the Joker being particularly notable for its depth and intensity. The Joker's goal is to undermine Gotham's justice system, leading Batman to confront ethical dilemmas about his role in protecting the city. The movie is celebrated for its complex characters, intricate plot, and Ledger's unforgettable performance, which earned him a posthumous Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. The Dark Knight is considered a landmark in superhero cinema, blending action with philosophical depth and setting a high standard for the genre.
The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan, is the second film in Nolan’s Batman trilogy and is widely acclaimed for its compelling portrayal of the iconic superhero and his nemesis. Released in 2008, it stars Christian Bale as Batman,...

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