The Undoing is a psychological thriller miniseries that premiered on HBO in 2020. Created by David E. Kelley, the series is based on the novel You Should Have Known by Jean Hanff Korelitz. It stars Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant, and Donald Sutherland. The show follows Grace Fraser (Nicole Kidman), a successful therapist whose life unravels when her husband, Jonathan (Hugh Grant), becomes the prime suspect in a brutal murder. As the investigation unfolds, Grace is forced to confront dark secrets and hidden truths about her husband, her own life, and those closest to her. Set in the elite world of New York City, The Undoing combines elements of mystery, suspense, and drama. It explores themes of trust, deception, and the fragility of appearances. The series is praised for its intense performances, particularly from Kidman and Grant, and its gripping narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
The Undoing is a psychological thriller miniseries that premiered on HBO in 2020. Created by David E. Kelley, the series is based on the novel You Should Have Known by Jean Hanff Korelitz. It stars Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant,...

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