Toy Story (1995), directed by John Lasseter, is a groundbreaking animated film that was the first feature-length movie created entirely with CGI. The story follows Woody (Tom Hanks), a pull-string cowboy doll, and Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), a space ranger action figure, as they navigate their rivalry and eventual friendship when they’re accidentally separated from their owner, Andy. The film is celebrated for its innovative animation, engaging story, and memorable characters. It explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the fear of obsolescence, making it relatable to both children and adults. The humor and emotional depth, combined with Pixar's pioneering animation technology, set a new standard for animated films. Toy Story's success led to a beloved franchise, with sequels that continued to expand the story and characters. It remains a milestone in animation history, praised for its creativity and enduring appeal.
Toy Story (1995), directed by John Lasseter, is a groundbreaking animated film that was the first feature-length movie created entirely with CGI. The story follows Woody (Tom Hanks), a pull-string cowboy doll, and Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), a space...

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